Abuse Tactics.

Types of abuse.

Distinguishing and understanding the various types of abuse facilitates a nuanced comprehension of trauma. This knowledge equips victims with the tools to recognize abusive patterns, validate their experiences, and seek appropriate support.

The Abuse Log seamlessly integrates comprehensive documentation with powerful references, terminology, and definitions. It provides a structured platform to log every aspect of your abuse, memories, thoughts, musings and healing, guiding you to empowerment every step of the way.

  • Physical abuse involves intentional force causing bodily harm, injury, or impairment, seen in hitting, punching, or burning. It leaves visible marks but can also harm internally. Common in domestic and institutional settings.

    ■ Punching

    ■ Slapping

    ■ Pushing

    ■ Choking

    ■ Using weapon

    ■ Burning

    ■ Pulling hair

    ■ Biting

    ■ Pinching

    ■ Throwing objects

    ■ Restraining

    ■ Locking

    ■ Shaking violently

    ■ Excessive force spanking

    ■ Head-butting

    ■ Twisting limbs

    ■ Striking with a belt

    ■ Rough sexual acts

    ■ Forcing physical tasks

    ■ Denying medical care

    ■ Intentionally causing falls

    ■ Withholding food/water/medication

    ■ Abandoning in a dangerous location

    ■ Using knife

    ■ Slamming against a wall

    ■ Engaging in rough sex

    ■ Slamming fingers

    ■ Using weapons to threaten

    ■ Forcing extreme exertion

    ■ Inflicting bruises

    ■ Using a closed fist

    ■ Kicking

    ■ Scratching

    ■ Biting

    ■ Pushing downstairs

    ■ Using whip

    ■ Causing broken bones

    ■ Holding underwater

    ■ Tying up

    ■ Excessive physical discipline

    ■ Branding or marking

    ■ Using electric shocks

    ■ Causing harm to fetus

    ■ Forcing dangerous activities

    ■ Ignoring medical needs

    ■ Subjecting to extreme temperatures

    ■ Confining in uncomfortable space

  • Psychological abuse targets mental and emotional well-being through manipulation, gaslighting, or verbal threats. It undermines self-worth and can lead to anxiety and depression. Often occurs alongside other abuses.

    Baited Questions: Manipulative queries to provoke insecurity or guilt.

    Baiting: Setting traps to evoke emotional reactions or conflict.

    Belittling: Degrading remarks to undermine self-esteem or worth.

    Blaming: Assigning fault or responsibility unfairly onto others.

    Blocking/Diversion: Intentionally redirecting conversations to avoid accountability.

    Brandishing anger/rage: Using explosive outbursts to intimidate or control.

    Bullying: Persistent aggression to dominate or manipulate.

    Circular Conversations: Repetitive dialogues that evade resolution or clarity.

    Crazy-making Conversations: Gaslighting tactics inducing confusion or doubt.

    Condescending: Patronizing attitude to assert superiority or control.

    Countering: Disputing facts or emotions to undermine credibility or reality.

    Covert intimidation: Subtle threats or intimidation tactics to instill fear.

    DARVO: Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender; manipulative tactic to evade accountability.

    Diversion: Redirecting focus away from the issue at hand to avoid responsibility.

    Dog Whistle: Using coded language to convey harmful messages or intentions.

    Emotional Blackmail: Manipulating emotions to gain compliance or control.

    Evasion: Avoiding discussions or responsibilities to maintain power.

    False Accusations: Baseless blaming to undermine credibility or manipulate.

    Feigning Innocence: Pretending ignorance or innocence to avoid consequences.

    Feigning Confusion: Pretending confusion to evade accountability or gaslight.

    Forgetting / Denying To Remember: Selective memory or denial to avoid responsibility.

    Future Faking: Making false promises or plans to manipulate or control.

    Gaslighting: Manipulating someone into questioning their own reality or sanity.

    Goading: Provoking or inciting reactions for control or amusement.

    Infantilization: Treating someone as childlike to diminish their autonomy or confidence.

    Information Gathering: Collecting personal information for future manipulation or control.

    Information Weaponization: Using personal information against someone for control or harm.

    Intimidation: Using threats or fear to control or manipulate.

    Invalidation: Dismissing or belittling someone’s feelings or experiences.

    Isolation: Cutting off someone from support networks to increase dependency.

    ☐ Laundry List / Ambush: Overwhelming with grievances or accusations to overpower.

    Manufacturing Chaos: Creating turmoil or confusion to maintain control.

    Minimization: Downplaying the significance of someone’s feelings or experiences.

    Name Calling: Using derogatory names to demean or humiliate.

    Neglect: Failing to meet someone’s emotional or physical needs intentionally.

    No-Win Scenario: Creating situations where someone is set up to fail or lose.

    Normalizing: Making abusive behavior seem acceptable or usual.

    Parental Alienation: Manipulating children against the other parent.

    Parentification: Forcing a child into adult roles or responsibilities.

    Passive-Aggressive Behavior: Indirectly expressing hostility or resentment.

    Patronizing: Talking down to someone to assert superiority or control.

    Projection: Blaming others for one’s own thoughts, feelings, or actions.

    Proxy Abuse / Recruiting Flying Monkeys: Using others to carry out abuse or manipulation.

    Public Humiliation: Shaming or embarrassing someone in front of others.

    Ranking / Comparing: Pitting individuals against each other to undermine self-worth.

    Sabotage: Deliberately undermining someone’s efforts or success.

    Scapegoating: Blaming one person or group for problems to divert attention.

    Selective attention / inattention: Ignoring or dismissing certain aspects or needs.

    Shaming: Using guilt or embarrassment to control or manipulate.

    Silent Treatment: Ignoring or withholding communication to punish or control.

    Skipping Stones (Triangulation): Manipulating relationships or situations to create conflict or tension.

  • Appealing to authority: Leverages authority figures to validate or enforce actions, often to control or manipulate others’ behavior or decisions.

    Appealing to emotions: Exploits emotions like fear, guilt, or sympathy to influence behavior or decisions, disregarding rational reasoning.

    Appealing to logic: Manipulates through logical reasoning or arguments that seem rational but often ignore emotional or ethical considerations

    Baiting and switching: Offers something desirable to bait, then changes terms or withholds to force acceptance of less desirable alternatives.

    Bargaining: Negotiates terms or conditions to gain advantage, often using leverage or threats to influence outcomes.

    Blaming: Shifts responsibility or fault onto others, deflecting accountability and avoiding consequences for one’s actions or mistakes.

    Charming: Uses charisma, flattery, or charm to gain trust or favor, often concealing manipulative intentions behind a likable facade.

    Criticism disguised as concern: Masks criticism or judgment as concern or care, undermining self-esteem while appearing helpful or protective.

    Creating a sense of obligation: Imposes a feeling of duty or indebtedness to manipulate compliance or extract favors from others.

    Creating chaos: Introduces disorder or confusion to control situations or people, exploiting vulnerability or instability for personal gain.

    Creating confusion: Deliberately obscures information or facts to sow doubt or uncertainty, making it easier to manipulate perceptions or decisions.

    Cultivating dependence: Encourages reliance or dependency on the manipulator, fostering feelings of helplessness or obligation in the target.

    Denial: Refuses to acknowledge or accept responsibility for harmful actions or behaviors, gaslighting or invalidating victims’ experiences.

    Dismissing concerns: Invalidates or minimizes legitimate concerns or objections, discouraging dissent and maintaining control over the narrative.

    Diversion: Redirects attention or focus away from uncomfortable truths or issues, avoiding accountability or scrutiny.

    Emotional blackmail: Uses emotional manipulation or threats to coerce compliance or gain advantage, exploiting vulnerabilities or insecurities.

    Emphasizing guilt: Amplifies feelings of guilt or shame to elicit desired behaviors or responses, often through passive-aggressive tactics.

    Evoking pity: Elicits sympathy or compassion from others to manipulate perceptions or gain support, exploiting vulnerability or victimhood.

    Feigning ignorance: Pretends lack of knowledge or awareness to evade responsibility or consequences, deflecting blame or scrutiny.

    Fostering dependency: Encourages reliance on the manipulator for support or guidance, diminishing autonomy and fostering control over the target.

    Gift-giving with strings attached: Offers gifts or favors to manipulate or control, expecting reciprocation or compliance in return.

    Grandiosity: Exaggerates achievements or abilities to gain admiration or control, asserting superiority and demanding special treatment.

    Guilt-tripping: Induces guilt or obligation to manipulate behavior or gain compliance, exploiting empathy or sense of duty.

    Hoarding information: Withholds or controls access to information to maintain power or advantage, limiting others’ ability to make informed decisions.

    Hoarding resources: Controls or monopolizes resources to manipulate or exert control, creating dependency or scarcity for others.

    Ignoring boundaries: Disregards or violates personal boundaries to assert dominance or control, disregarding others’ autonomy or consent.

    Implying consequences: Suggests negative outcomes or repercussions to influence behavior or compliance, instilling fear or coercion.

    Implying scarcity: Creates perception of limited availability or opportunity to induce urgency or compliance, exploiting fear of missing out.

    Inconsistency: Behaves unpredictably or inconsistently to confuse or control, destabilizing relationships and undermining trust.

    Insinuation: Implies or suggests negative intentions or meanings without explicit expression, manipulating perceptions or interpretations.

    Interrupting: Disrupts communication or conversation to assert dominance or control, disregarding others’ contributions or perspectives.

    Intimidation: Uses threats or coercion to instill fear and gain compliance, exerting power through aggression or intimidation tactics.

    Invalidating feelings: Dismisses or belittles others’ emotions or experiences to undermine credibility or control, gaslighting or minimizing concerns.

    Isolation from support networks: Restricts access to social support or resources to maintain control or dependency, fostering reliance on the manipulator.

    Jokingly dismissing concerns: Dismisses or belittles serious issues or concerns under the guise of humor, invalidating or trivializing legitimate feelings.

    Leaving out crucial details: Withholds or omits important information to manipulate perceptions or decisions, shaping narratives to favor the manipulator.

    Making excuses: Rationalizes or justifies harmful behavior or actions to evade accountability or consequences, shifting blame onto external factors.

    Misdirection: Redirects attention or focus away from pertinent issues or truths to evade scrutiny or accountability.

    Omission: Deliberately leaves out or conceals relevant information to manipulate perceptions or decisions, shaping narratives to benefit the manipulator.

    Over-exaggerating achievements: Inflates or embellishes accomplishments or abilities to gain admiration or control, seeking validation or advantage.

    Overly controlling behavior: Exerts excessive control over others’ actions or choices, limiting autonomy and fostering dependency.

    Overly dramatic reactions: Reacts excessively or melodramatically to manipulate emotions or gain attention, exaggerating responses for impact.

    ☐ Passive-aggressive behavior: Expresses hostility or resentment indirectly, undermining others while maintaining plausible deniability.

    Playing mind games: Manipulates thoughts or perceptions through deceptive or strategic tactics, creating confusion or doubt in others.

    Playing on fear: Exploits fears or insecurities to gain compliance or control, instilling anxiety or dread to influence behavior.

    Playing on insecurities: Targets vulnerabilities or self-doubts to manipulate emotions or behavior, exploiting weaknesses for advantage.

    Playing the victim: Assumes victim role to elicit sympathy or deflect responsibility, portraying oneself as innocent or powerless.

    Pretending to agree: Fakes agreement or compliance to deceive or manipulate, concealing true intentions or motives.

    Projection: Attributes one’s own faults or motives onto others, deflecting accountability or avoiding self-awareness.

    Rationalizing behavior: Offers logical explanations or justifications for harmful actions or decisions, minimizing responsibility or consequences.

    Reframing: Manipulates perceptions by presenting information in a different context, shaping narratives to favor the manipulator.

    Redirecting blame: Shifts responsibility onto others to evade accountability or consequences, deflecting criticism or scrutiny.

    Rewarding compliance: Reinforces desired behavior with rewards or incentives, encouraging obedience or submission to gain compliance.

    Sabotaging efforts: Undermines or obstructs others’ goals or efforts to maintain control or dominance, hindering progress or success.

    Scapegoating: Blames others for problems or failures to deflect attention or responsibility, scapegoating to avoid accountability.

    Selective memory: Conveniently forgets or distorts past events or details to manipulate perceptions or avoid consequences

    Selective sharing of information: Chooses what information to disclose or withhold to manipulate perceptions or control narratives.

    Seeking pity: Solicits sympathy or compassion from others to manipulate emotions or gain support, exploiting vulnerability or victimhood.

    Self-victimization: Portrays oneself as victim to elicit sympathy or evade accountability, deflecting blame onto others or circumstances.

    Shifting goalposts: Changes criteria or expectations to evade accountability or prolong control, moving goalposts to maintain advantage.

    Slandering others: Spreads false or damaging information to discredit or undermine others’ reputation or credibility.

    Silent treatment: Withdraws communication or interaction to punish or manipulate, inducing guilt or anxiety in the target.

    Smear campaigns: Launches coordinated attacks to tarnish reputation or credibility, spreading false or exaggerated information.

    Stonewalling: Refuses to engage or communicate to evade accountability or control, shutting down dialogue to maintain power.

    Sulking: Displays sullen or resentful behavior to manipulate emotions or gain attention, eliciting sympathy or guilt from others.

    Testing boundaries: Pushes limits or boundaries to gauge reactions or assert dominance, probing for vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

    Threatening: Uses intimidation or coercion to instill fear and gain compliance, leveraging power to control or manipulate.

    Triangulation: Creates conflict or competition between individuals to control or manipulate relationships, fostering dependency or insecurity.

    Using children: Exploits children or parental roles to manipulate emotions or gain advantage, using offspring as leverage or pawns.

    Using flattery for manipulation: Offers praise or compliments insincerely to manipulate or gain favor, exploiting vanity or insecurity.

    Using guilt to gain compliance: Induces guilt or shame to coerce obedience or compliance, leveraging emotions to control behavior.

    Using guilt-inducing language: Expresses disappointment or disapproval to manipulate emotions or behavior, invoking guilt or obligation.

    Using silence as a weapon: Uses silence or withdrawal to punish or manipulate, instilling anxiety or insecurity in the target.

    Using threats or ultimatums: Issues warnings or ultimatums to compel compliance or control, using fear of consequences to manipulate.

    Withholding affection: Denies or withholds affection or intimacy to manipulate or punish, inducing insecurity or compliance in the target.

    Withholding information: Conceals or withholds relevant details to manipulate perceptions or decisions, controlling access to knowledge or resources.

    Withholding resources: Limits or denies access to resources or support to manipulate or control, fostering dependence or compliance.

    Withholding support: Fails to provide assistance or encouragement to manipulate or control, inducing dependency or insecurity.

    Withholding trust: Refuses to trust or believe others to manipulate or control, fostering doubt or insecurity in relationships.

    Withholding validation: Withholds praise or approval to manipulate or control, leveraging validation as a tool for compliance

  • Non-consensual sexual activity, including assault, harassment, or exploitation, inflicting physical and psychological trauma. Perpetrators exert power and control, exploiting vulnerabilities. Prevalent across ages and genders.

    ☐ Sexual coercion 

    ☐ Financial gains

    ☐ Instilling fear

    ☐ Instilling shame/guilt

    ☐ Abuse of congregants

    ☐ Abuse of children

    ☐ Threat of excommunication

    ☐ Threat of damnation

    ☐ Ridiculing religious/spiritual beliefs

    ☐ Prevents person from participating in communal rituals

    ☐ Manipulating scripture interpretation

    ☐ Coercing conversion through threats

    ☐ Punishing for questioning beliefs

    ☐ Excommunicating dissenting members

    ☐ Exploiting for financial gain

    ☐ Justifying physical punishment

    ☐ Withholding critical information

    ☐ Forcing adherence to doctrine

    ☐ Shaming for natural desires

    ☐ Isolating from outside influences

    ☐ Condemning non-believers to hell

    ☐ Demanding unquestioning obedience

    ☐ Ignoring individual autonomy

    ☐ Promising false salvation

    ☐ Gaslighting doubts and concerns

    ☐ Perpetrating ritual abuse

    ☐ Forbidding medical interventions

    ☐ Using fear tactics

    ☐ Promoting toxic hierarchy structures

    ☐ Controlling access to education

    ☐ Threatening divine retribution

    ☐ Cultivating dependency on authority

    ☐ Justifying systemic oppression

    ☐ Fostering guilt and shame

    ☐ Facilitating sexual exploitation

  • Exploiting or controlling finances without consent, leading to deprivation or harm. It includes theft, fraud, or coercion and often occurs in intimate or caregiver relationships.

    ☐ Controlling access to bank accounts

    ☐ Stealing money or assets

    ☐ Exploiting power of attorney

    ☐ Forging signatures on documents

    ☐ Coercing changes to wills or trusts

    ☐ Maxing out credit cards without consent

    ☐ Using funds for personal gain

    ☐ Withholding financial information

    ☐ Pressuring to sign loans

    ☐ Misusing joint accounts

    ☐ Hiding assets during divorce proceedings

    ☐ Refusing to contribute to household expenses

    ☐ Manipulating tax returns

    ☐ Draining retirement accounts

    ☐ Forcing to work without comensation

    ☐ Preventing employment opportunities

    ☐ Coerced into signing over property

    ☐ Using inheritance for personal expenses

    ☐ Running up debt in partner’s name

    ☐ Refusing access to financial resources

    ☐ Sabotaging employment or business ventures

    ☐ Exploiting vulnerabilities for financial gain

    ☐ Withholding child support or alimony

    ☐ Refusing to pay bills or debts

    ☐ Using financial threats to control behavior☐ Jeopardizing credit

    ☐ Running up a credit card

    ☐ Intentionally wasting work time

    ☐ Sabotaging work commitments

    ☐ Stealing money

    ☐ Hoarding money

    ☐ Hiding money

    ☐ Pretending to earn more

    ☐ Pretending to earn less

    ☐ Concealing financial information

    ☐ Limiting access to assets

    ☐ Cashing in checks without permission

    ☐ Opening credit cards without permission

    ☐ Pressure to change will or other documents

    ☐ Shopping spree

    ☐ Missing possessions

    ☐ Unexplained lack of money

    ☐ Unexplained withdrawal of funds

    ☐ Preventing a person from accessing their own money, benefits or assets

    ☐ Undue pressure, duress, threat or undue influence put on the person

    in connection with loans, wills, property, inheritance or financial transactions

  • Mistreatment or neglect within healthcare settings, seen in unnecessary procedures or medication, targeting vulnerable populations. Perpetrators misuse authority, causing physical and psychological harm.

    ☐ Neglecting patient’s needs

    ☐ Administering unnecessary medications

    ☐ Overmedicating patients

    ☐ Not providing proper hygiene care

    ☐ Performing unnecessary surgeries

    ☐ Abandoning patients

    ☐ Ignoring medical complaints

    ☐ Withholding necessary treatment

    ☐ Using excessive restraints

    ☐ Misdiagnosing conditions

    ☐ Experimenting without consent

    ☐ Inadequate pain management

    ☐ Physical abuse during treatment

    ☐ Sexual misconduct by healthcare providers

    ☐ Financial exploitation

    ☐ Discrimination based on demographics

    ☐ Denying access to medical records

    ☐ Violating patient confidentiality

    ☐ Coercing patients into procedures

    ☐ Ignoring informed consent

    ☐ Performing unnecessary tests

    ☐ Refusing treatment based on personal beliefs

    ☐ Practicing medicine without proper qualifications

    ☐ Breaching patient-doctor boundaries

    ☐ Falsifying medical records

    ☐ Withholding treatment or medication

    ☐ Stealing medication

    ☐ Causing illness in another though action or inaction

    ☐ Fabricating symptoms

    ☐ Fabricating illness

    ☐ Fabricating pregnancy / miscarriage

    ☐ Tampering with medication

    ☐ Withholding food or nourishment

    ☐ Garnering sympathy by fabricating or exaggerating illness

    ☐ Munchausen Syndrome

    ☐ Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

  • Religious abuse involves the exploitation or manipulation of religious beliefs to control or harm individuals. It can include forced adherence to certain beliefs, rituals, or practices, as well as using religion to justify physical, psychological, or sexual abuse. Perpetrators may use religious authority to exert power and control over victims, causing spiritual and emotional harm. Religious abuse can also involve discrimination, ostracism, or exclusion based on religious beliefs.

    ☐ Sexual coercion 

    ☐ Financial gains

    ☐ Instilling fear

    ☐ Instilling shame/guilt

    ☐ Abuse of congregants

    ☐ Abuse of children

    ☐ Threat of excommunication

    ☐ Threat of damnation

    ☐ Ridiculing religious/spiritual beliefs

    ☐ Prevents person from participating in communal rituals

    ☐ Manipulating scripture interpretation

    ☐ Coercing conversion through threats

    ☐ Punishing for questioning beliefs

    ☐ Excommunicating dissenting members

    ☐ Exploiting for financial gain

    ☐ Justifying physical punishment

    ☐ Withholding critical information

    ☐ Forcing adherence to doctrine

    ☐ Shaming for natural desires

    ☐ Isolating from outside influences

    ☐ Condemning non-believers to hell

    ☐ Demanding unquestioning obedience

    ☐ Ignoring individual autonomy

    ☐ Promising false salvation

    ☐ Gaslighting doubts and concerns

    ☐ Perpetrating ritual abuse

    ☐ Forbidding medical interventions

    ☐ Using fear tactics

    ☐ Promoting toxic hierarchy structures

    ☐ Controlling access to education

    ☐ Threatening divine retribution

    ☐ Cultivating dependency on authority

    ☐ Justifying systemic oppression

    ☐ Fostering guilt and shame

    ☐ Facilitating sexual exploitation

  • Child abuse shatters innocence, leaving scars unseen but deeply felt. Parents, as advocates, carry the burden of witnessing their child’s pain. The Abuse Log stands as their ally, offering a channel to document and confront the horrors inflicted upon their precious ones. It provides a voice for the voiceless, empowering parents to fight tirelessly for justice and healing, ensuring their children’s safety and well-being.

    Physical violence

    Emotional manipulation

    Sexual molestation

    Neglecting basic needs

    Psychological torment

    Verbal degradation

    Exposure to substance abuse

    Witnessing domestic violence

    Forced labor or exploitation

    Exposing to dangerous environments

    Denying medical care

    Withholding affection or love

    Isolation from peers

    Threatening with harm

    Subjecting to harsh discipline

    Allowing exposure to pornography

    Exploiting for financial gain

    Endangering during custody disputes

    Encouraging risky behaviors

    Using as pawn in conflicts

    Permitting substance use

    Exposing to criminal activities

    Allowing access to firearms

    Fostering unhealthy attachments

    Exposing to cult ideologies

  • Physical Abuse: Inflicting bodily harm such as hitting, pushing, or restraining an elderly person, causing pain, injury, or impairment.

    Psychological/Emotional Abuse: Using intimidation, threats, or verbal assaults to undermine an older adult’s mental well-being, causing fear, anxiety, or distress.

    Financial Abuse: Exploiting an elder’s finances or assets through theft, fraud, coercion, or misuse of power of attorney, depriving them of financial security or resources.

    Neglect: Failing to provide essential care, assistance, or support for an older adult’s basic needs, including food, shelter, hygiene, or medical attention.

    Sexual Abuse: Engaging in non-consensual sexual acts or behaviors with an elderly person, violating their bodily integrity, autonomy, and dignity.

    Medical Abuse: Subjecting an older adult to unnecessary medical procedures, medications, or treatments, resulting in physical harm, discomfort, or distress.

    Institutional Abuse: Mistreating older adults in residential care facilities, nursing homes, or assisted living facilities through neglect, abuse, or inadequate care standards.

    Abandonment: Deserting or leaving an elderly person alone without necessary support, supervision, or assistance, putting their health and safety at risk.

    Spiritual/Religious Abuse: Using religious beliefs, practices, or doctrines to manipulate, control, or coerce an older adult, infringing upon their spiritual autonomy or beliefs.

    Self-Neglect: Older adults neglecting their own care or well-being due to physical or mental health issues, cognitive decline, or social isolation, leading to self-harm or deteriorating conditions.

    Verbal Abuse: Using harsh language, insults, or demeaning remarks toward an elderly person, damaging their self-esteem, dignity, and emotional health.

    Social Isolation: Restricting an older adult’s access to social interactions, relationships, or community involvement, leading to loneliness, depression, or diminished quality of life.

    Discrimination: Treating an older adult unfairly or prejudicially based on age-related stereotypes, denying them opportunities, rights, or access to services.

    Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy: Fabricating or inducing illness or injury in an elderly person by a caregiver to garner attention, sympathy, or control, endangering their health and safety.

    Forced Deprivation: Denying an elderly person access to essential resources, necessities, or freedoms, such as food, medication, mobility, or autonomy, causing suffering or harm.

  • ☐ Withholding access to educational resources or materials.

    Providing incorrect or misleading information to hinder learning.

    ☐ Intentionally discouraging a student’s academic pursuits.

    ☐ Creating a hostile learning environment through harassment or discrimination.

    ☐ Neglecting to address a student’s learning disabilities or special needs.

    ☐ Punishing a student for asking questions or seeking clarification.

    ☐ Falsifying academic records or grades to manipulate a student’s progress.

    ☐ Using fear or intimidation tactics to control student behavior.

    ☐ Exploiting students for personal gain, such as through unpaid labor or favors.

    ☐ Denying students opportunities for advancement or enrichment activities.scription



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