FORENSIC ABUSE LOG Abuse Types and Tactic Traits Detected Log # * Date of Log Entry MM DD YYYY Your Name * First Name Last Name Your Phone # (###) ### #### Your E-mail * Date of Incident MM DD YYYY Time of Incident Hour Minute Second AM PM Location of Incident * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country Context of the Incident Abuser Name * First Name Last Name Nickname Relationship Boyfriend Girlfriend Partner Husband Wife Ex-Husband Ex-Wife Father Mother Step-Father Step-Mother Brother Sister Maternal Uncle Maternal Aunt Paternal Uncle Paternal Aunt Maternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Paternal Grandfather Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Ex-Friend Boss Ex-Boss Colleague Ex-Colleague Employee Ex-Employee Other Current Contact Status 🟢 Full Contact 🟡 Low Contact 🔴 No Contact Incident Severity 🟦 No Abuse 🟩 Unsure, more research is need. 🟨 Red Flags 🟧 Abuse 🟥 Severe Abuse What types of abuse were used in this incident? See link at the top for a glossary. Physical Psychological / Emotional Sexual Financial Religious Educational Elders Child Neglect Self-Neglect Summarize types of abuse... Traits Detected (See link at the top for a glossary) Were there any witnesses? Yes No Witness 1 Name First Name Last Name Witness 1 E-mail Witness 1 Phone (###) ### #### Witness 2 Name First Name Last Name Witness 2 E-mail Witness 2 Phone (###) ### #### Witness 3 Name First Name Last Name Witness 3 E-mail Witness 3 Phone (###) ### #### Were there any minor children present at the time of the incident? Yes No Minor Child 1 Name First Name Last Name Minor Child 1 Relationship Brother Sister Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Other Minor Child 2 Name First Name Last Name Minor Child 2 Relationship Brother Sister Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Other Minor Child 3 Name First Name Last Name Minor Child 3 Relationship Brother Sister Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Other Were any children hurt during the incident? Yes No Describe the nature of the children's involvement. Were there and Proxy Abusers (Flying Monkeys) involved in the incident (even if they were not present diring the incident? Yes No Flying Monkey 1 Name First Name Last Name Flying Monkey 1 Relationship Boyfriend Girlfriend Partner Husband Wife Ex-Husband Ex-Wife Father Mother Step-Father Step-Mother Brother Sister Maternal Uncle Maternal Aunt Paternal Uncle Paternal Aunt Maternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Paternal Grandfather Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Ex-Friend Boss Ex-Boss Colleague Ex-Colleague Employee Ex-Employee Other Flying Monkey 1 Phone (###) ### #### Flying Monkey 1 Email Flying Monkey 2 Name First Name Last Name Flying Monkey 2 Relationship Boyfriend Girlfriend Partner Husband Wife Ex-Husband Ex-Wife Father Mother Step-Father Step-Mother Brother Sister Maternal Uncle Maternal Aunt Paternal Uncle Paternal Aunt Maternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Paternal Grandfather Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Ex-Friend Boss Ex-Boss Colleague Ex-Colleague Employee Ex-Employee Other Flying Monkey 2 Phone (###) ### #### Flying Monkey 2 Email Flying Monkey 3 Name First Name Last Name Flying Monkey 3 Relationship Boyfriend Girlfriend Partner Husband Wife Ex-Husband Ex-Wife Father Mother Step-Father Step-Mother Brother Sister Maternal Uncle Maternal Aunt Paternal Uncle Paternal Aunt Maternal Grandmother Maternal Grandfather Paternal Grandmother Paternal Grandfather Maternal Nephew Maternal Niece Paternal Nephew Paternal Niece Maternal Cousin Paternal Cousin Friend Ex-Friend Boss Ex-Boss Colleague Ex-Colleague Employee Ex-Employee Other Flying Monkey 3 Phone (###) ### #### Flying Monkey 3 Email LOG DETAILS Detailed Incident Log Victim’s emotional and physical reactions. Retaliations? (be specific, be honest) Impact of the abuse on the victim’s mental health. Documentation of any injuries or property damage resulting from the abuse. Any changes in the victim’s behavior or demeanor following the abuse. Was this the first abusive incident? Yes No How many abusive incident have there been in the past? 1-5 5-20 20-50 50-100 Too many to count How often does this kind of abuse happen? 1 x year 4 x year 1 x month 1 x week 1 x day several times a day Log # of similar incident Notes on the recurring nature of abuse that mirrors this incident. Are there any Ongoing Concerns? (check all that apply) Continued Threats or Intimidation: If the perpetrator continues to threaten or intimidate the victim or other individuals involved in the case, it would be considered an ongoing concern that may require protective measures or legal intervention. Safety Risks: Any ongoing safety risks or vulnerabilities faced by the victim, such as living in a dangerous environment or being at risk of further harm, would be considered ongoing concerns that need to be addressed. Emotional or Psychological Impact: Ongoing emotional or psychological effects experienced by the victim as a result of the abuse, such as anxiety, depression, or trauma-related symptoms, would be considered ongoing concerns that may require therapeutic support or counseling. Financial Exploitation: If the perpetrator continues to exploit the victim financially or attempts to control their finances, it would be considered an ongoing concern that may require financial safeguards or legal action. Social Isolation: Ongoing social isolation or alienation experienced by the victim, such as being cut off from friends, family, or support networks, would be considered an ongoing concern that may necessitate efforts to reconnect the victim with social support systems. Legal Proceedings: Ongoing legal proceedings related to the abuse case, such as court hearings, protective orders, or custody battles, would be considered ongoing concerns that may require ongoing documentation and support. Child Welfare Issues: If children are involved in the abuse case, ongoing concerns related to their safety, well-being, or custody arrangements would need to be addressed and monitored. Medical or Physical Health Needs: Ongoing medical or physical health needs resulting from the abuse, such as injuries or chronic health conditions, would be considered ongoing concerns that may require ongoing medical care or treatment. Housing Stability: Ongoing concerns related to housing stability, such as homelessness or precarious living situations resulting from the abuse, would need to be addressed to ensure the victim’s safety and well-being. Thank you! Contents should arrive in your email menentatily